<aside> ⚠️ Explore this database for key specifications and pros/cons on air filters capable of high clean air delivery rates (CADR) at tolerable noise levels. See also Air Filter Buying Guides for specific recommendations.
The table is sorted by the best available data on clean air delivery rate (CADR), but manufacturer advertised data is often untrustworthy (or, at minimum, not a fair “apples to apples” comparison) without verification through an independent lab. Noise data is even more difficult to trust, as it must be measured under consistent conditions to be meaningfully comparable, and manufacturers rarely publish anything but their slowest/weakest/quietest speed.
You can help make our data better: contact air filter manufacturers and ask them to provide test reports confirming their CADR and noise at all speeds, then share your findings with us. Data collected using the AHAM industry certification program’s AC-1 and AC-2 standards is preferred. Be persistent and insist that independent testing is critical to your purchasing decision if manufacturers deflect. Use this Submissions form to share what you learn, including pros/cons from your own experience with these filters.
To be added: Tower of Power, Triple Exhalaron
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